Ep. #173 - Leaving Canon for Sony and Photographers Kicked Off Instagram

Photo by Michael Orlando of Bloom Photos.

Photo by Michael Orlando of Bloom Photos.

How has the dismal vaccine rollout affected photographers? Some photographers have been kicked off Instagram since the insurrection on January 6th, is it related (it's not)? We're demanding to see location information to find out (we're terrible people and we're actually quite sorry for all of this).


How has the dismal vaccine rollout affected photographers? Some photographers have been kicked off Instagram since the insurrection on January 6th, is it related (it's not)? We're demanding to see location information to find out (we're terrible people and we're actually quite sorry for all of this). Sony a7iii impressions from shooting elopements and engagements. What a weird world it is to leave Canon for Sony. That weird Via Getty story from the insurrection. A daredevil photographer gets arrested for burglary. Lots of coronavirus talk and a few political things (we're not sorry about that... it's been a weird time period and we think it's important to talk about that kind of stuff... even if we're just making jokes). Sony Airpeak updates and sneak peeks. It's sexy (just like this show).

Beer Talk:
Steve - Gulo Gulo India Pale Lager from Wolverine State Brewing
Dustin - Nothing... Not Even Water

Any tips or advice for trying to reach a different, more high end, market?
Should all hobby photographers be shot and their bodies put on display as a warning to others? (hard no)
What is a fauxtographer?

Watch the episode on YouTube:

Sony Airpeak updates.
Daredevil photographer arrested.
The Via Getty story.

Episode art by Michael Orlando of Bloom Photos.

If you're looking for more info about COVID-19, be sure to head over to the CDC website.

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Edited by Bespoke Tone. Go to bespoketone.com for all your photo and audio editing needs.

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